Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grilled octopus grilled on the coals

Grilled octopus grilled on the coals the secrets of success and how to make octopus soft and not like gum

Grilled octopus grilled on the coals

To cook a fresh octopus steps that must follow is the following, first choose a fresh octopus and if you are looking well beaten, what we see when we look at two of the tentacles and pulling them and the tentonontas outwards, although there crossed the two tentacles that are then easily split grab fresh octopus is shaken and paragoulismeno well.

The next step is that before we put on the grill to boil in a pot, but not with caution but as water is put in this pot and makes its own water, careful not to seize us and go back often

After turning the boil several times for about 20 to 25 minutes, then spread the grilled whole or cut in the tentacles and cook for as long as necessary, about 35 to 40 minutes.

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